Because maybe the planet matters or something?

Hey woah this is a weblog about how I try to live sustainably and such. Hope you enjoy your time here. Navigation should be fairly self explanatory I think.

Some of this gets pretty preachy, not gonna lie. I'm mostly making it to keep track of and organise my thoughts and practices. Like a self call-out, self guide, and self exploration all rolled into one. Most of this is about environmental sustainability and being eco-friendly or something.

Also! Random disclaimerrrrrrs!
I live in Australia! The specifics of my lists and ramblings may not be the best choice for you. Use your brain! I promise that it is very capable!
I tend to live on a pretty tight budget and have had to make some compromises on price vs impact. I will discuss that if it's relevant.
I live with other people, so on occasion I cannot conform completely to my own advice. Bane of my existence actually...
I am not going into all dimensions of sustainability here, largely ignoring the economic and social sides of this trifold-coin. Frankly, I find them less interesting to talk about. Economic sustainability is not something I tend to care about on any large scale, and I feel like everything I have to say about social sustainability is super obvious, so it bores me! They'll probably come up when I feel like they matter. Maybe in future I'll do a full revision to include those two properly. Maybe not.